Commsoft, a world leader in aviation engineering and maintenance systems, is pleased to announce that it has signed a 2 year, 3 concurrent users’ contract with GGAC Aviation Consultants for the use of OASES.

OASES, designed to combine ease of use with a technical sophistication that allows for the full integration of all maintenance and engineering functions, is structured in a modular format and GGAC will be using the following modules: Core, Airworthiness, Planning and Materials Management.

GGAC is providing fleet management support for a small fleet of Boeing 737 ‘classic’ and Airbus aircraft, working both with lessors and a major European airline.

Jay Gerritsen, Director of GGAC Aviation Consultants: “GGAC is delighted to have selected OASES which meets the requirements of small fleet management and aircraft disposals. I look forward to long and close relationship with Commsoft.”