Australia’s Quickstep has signed a memorandum of agreement with Lockheed Martin for the manufacture and delivery of 120 sets of C-130J carbon-fibre wing flaps through 2018 at a rate of approximately 24 sets per year.
This MOA is subsequent to Quickstep’s March 2012 announcement that the company was awarded the tender to manufacture wing flaps for the C-130J Super Hercules aircraft.
The value of activities under the agreement, which includes previous purchase orders announced by Quickstep, is US$75 million.

Each shipset includes four carbon fibre wing flaps and each flap contains more than 200 individual parts including carbon ribs, spars and skins; more than 200 tools are used for the parts’ development and manufacture.
The Lockheed Martin C-130J wing flaps program is one of two significant aerospace programs awarded to Quickstep, which is also producing components for the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter program.